2024 Beer Olympics

Let the games begin! Gather your friends and family and join us on Sunday, June 2nd, for the 1st annual Right Brain Beer Olympics, where teams of 4 will compete in a series of relay-style, beer-inspired events!

Check-In at 11am

  1. Keg Carry - Lift that barrel and run like the wind from Cass Road into the brewhouse!
  2. Sample Tray Carry - Put your bartending skills to the test! Carry a sample tray through the "magical", whirly-swirly, whiskey barrel obsticle course, with cups filled to the brim. 
  3. Flip Cup - Come on, you know you’ve done it! Bring your cup to the edge of the table and flip it until it lands face down on the table.
  4. Keg Carry, round 2 - Bring the keg back to it’s home, then hightail it to the finish!
  5. Finish your beer as fast as you can, then pass the “baton” to your teammate.

Each member from the first team to succesfully complete each challenge wins a Right Brain goody bag, filled with RBB merch: Hats, stickers, posters, gift cards, and more!

$25 / person.

Includes a limited-edition, 2024 RBB Beer Olympics T-shirt!

Register by June 1st! 

If you cannot gather 4 people for your team, don’t fret! Find a friend, or register as an individual and Right Brain staff will pair you up before the event! Just select any quantity, up to 4, when checking out! Gather your groups at check-in. Individual participants or doubles will be randomly paired up into groups of 4 before the events kick off!

*Must be 21+ years of age to participate. Right Brain Brewery and its staff are not liable for any injuries that may occure. Participants will be required to sign a waiver at the time of event. Have fun and be safe!